Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 11

A picture of something you hate

Something I hate... I have been sitting here for five min staring at the screen wondering what to put.
I don't really hate a lot of things. I hate the word "Panties" I think it sounds so dirty and gross.

I hate Lima Beans. (The only veggie I don't like)

I hate kidnappers/ child abuser type people.

And I hate the things that some people have done to put our country in the position that it is in now.
You can not just blame Obama or Bush or Big Companies or Banks.
It is what America did to its self. We live beyond our means, we take out too big of mortgages on our houses drive cars that we can't afford, and why? Because we think that we deserve it.
Well we don't. And the ONLY way our country is going to become great again is if we put aside those feelings of entitlement and we start working and caring for each other.

We need to let companies fail who have not managed their money right. We need to let people get kicked out if they spent all their money on clothes and entertainment.
We also need to help our neighbor. If you see a family down the street struggling would it really hurt you to bring them a meal or befriend them.
If you see your sister about to get kick out of her house- don't you have room in your house to let her live with you? Not to support her bad spending habits but to help her get back on her feet and teach her how to budget.

We need to start caring a country.

So that is what I hate. People who don't care enough to help each other out. You don't have to be rich to help a friend who is having a hard time. Most times all people need is to know that someone cares about them,

Do you care?

1 comment:

Mel said...

so i guess next time you come we can give you a huge helping of brussel sprouts