Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bath Time

My boys favorite time of day is bathtime! Nicklaus is usually jumping in with clothes, shoes, diaper, whatever he is wearing when I annouce it is time to take a bath. They will sit in there and play for as long as I let them. And then when I tell Noah it is time to get out, almost everyday he responds with "aww man! Can we take a bath tomorrow too!??"

But sadly they never get to take a bubble bath because Nicklaus is deathly afraid of the bubbles. Hopefully sometime soon he gets over that because the best part of a bath is the bubbles and wearing bubble beards, hats and bikini tops.


Devin said...

they must take after their aunt :0)

Mel said...

i was thinking the same thing- its in our genes to love baths

Sara said...

Two cute boys!